Brut is a collective created in 2019 after an intensive improvisation workshop lead by David Zambrano at TicTac Art Center.

All the members are based in Brussels and each of them are devoted and specialised in improvisation. Beside that, they all possess their own artistic skills which allows the members of Brut Movement to develop as individuals and as a group, influencing the artistic scene in a passionning and eclectic way.

We like to say our artistic peculiarity as a group is the interdisciplinarity and diversity in social experiences. Brut movement is our name because we create an art without attachment to a specific aesthetic but rather a dance where movements are the instinctive outcome of a group dynamic. 

Brut Mouvement focuses on performative quality, virtuoso physicality and interaction with the audience. In each of their performances, the collective creates situations where the imagination is constantly evolving, thanks to the proactivity of each individual in the group.

With the collective, there is therefore a form of surrealism which goes beyond the art of improvisation; their dance, singing, voice and theatricality raise within them an ephemeral composition which hits the public's imagination in an irreversible way.